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How is managed detection response (MDR) different from XDR?

How is managed detection response (MDR) different from XDR?

Both Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and Extended Detection Response (XDR) have their place in helping security teams and risk managers with limited resources increase their productivity.

While they accomplish essentially the same objectives, MDR and XDR differ in their approaches to solving security problems. In this article, we look at a few key factors that set the two platforms apart.

What is Managed Detection and Response (MDR)?

Manage Detection and Response (MDR) distinguishes itself from Extend Detection Response (XDR) insofar as it represented as security-as-service alternative to traditional in-house Security Operations Centers (SOCs).

When you choose an MDR solution for your security, it is largely handled offsite by a team of security experts that already possesses the necessary infrastructure and software tools to protect your company against cyber threats.

The upside to MDR providers is they provide 24/7/365 network monitoring. If an incident requires investigation on a weekend, in the middle of the night, your company is assured an immediate response, essentially eliminating the need to keep your in-house IT personnel on call.

After installing an MDR solution into an organization’s digital environment, companies realize expanded visibility and better granular security than standard managed cyber security programs, commonly offered by the many Managed Security Service Providers [MSSP].

MDR services incorporate several leading cyber security technologies like endpoint detection and response. Experts specializing in deploying MDR tools assist in facilitating the platform for optimal threat hunting and cloud security.

What is Extended Detection and Response (XDR)?

XDR is a cutting-edge emergent cyber security solution that offers proactive protection to companies against the most sophisticated cyber security threats. The platform achieves this through a unified application that offers deep and comprehensive visibility into multiple vulnerable security vectors.

Owing to the precipitous rise in cyber attacks and the sheer volume of security data generated by conventional stand-alone products, in-house IT staff, and cyber security teams find themselves increasingly overwhelmed to keep up with investigating and correlating false alarms.

A managed XDR platform eases many common headaches by integrating your security architecture into one dashboard. Converging multilayered visibility in this regard allows your IT and security teams to maximize productivity and maintain focus on core business tasks.

MDR vs XDR: the fundamental differences between the two platforms

Each solution benefits IT and cyber security teams in the same ways by easing their struggles with an expanding workload. But the two achieve those same ends through considerably different approaches.

MDR solutions primarily supplement existing internal security departments with an array of robust, advanced external resources. MDR service providers equip your company with a complete external security operation center that protects your IT assets while performing all of the same tasks as a conventional in-house security department.

When you partner with an MDR provider like PCH Technologies, you can expect to find considerable cost savings if you compare it to maintaining the equivalent service on-premises. Furthermore, you’re guaranteed a round-the-clock security service attended to by highly specialized talent that would be otherwise very expensive to hire in the open IT labor market.

XDR, on the other hand, accounts for the tool that delivers various automated security functions under one comprehensive umbrella. XDR allows companies to cohere visibility across their entire architecture while automating resource-intensive tasks that bog down IT departments and security personnel with resource-intensive investigative procedures and correlative tasks meant to address potential cyber threats.

Irrespective of which platform you choose, both, if implemented correctly, will drastically improve your business’ capacity to identify, investigate, and respond to cyber security threats. Determining which solution is best for your organization necessitates an assessment of the security team you currently have in place.

Are they at risk of becoming overly work-stressed? Do they have enough cyber security experience? Is their training current? Resolving the MDR vs XDR debate s ultimately between your leadership team, but you can’t go wrong with either option.

As the workforce becomes increasingly dispersed, with more employees working from home than ever, it’s important to remember that as much as 70% of all breachers still originate on the endpoint. IT security departments need to increase visibility to mitigate security issues remotely more effectively. Moreover, the last thing your business needs is an understaffed and overworked security staff. This is where MDR and XDR solutions help most.

Need help finding the right cyber security solutions for your business?

Operations costs have rapidly increased, and many are forced to cut budgets and operate with a lean cyber security budget. MDR and XDR both present excellent solutions. However, deciding which platform fits best with your organization isn’t always easy.

PCH Technologies provides IT support and cyber security consulting services for several business sectors in New Jersey and its surrounding areas. To learn more about the difference between MDR and XDR and how each uniquely benefits your business, call (856) 754-7500.