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DUal and Multi-Factor Authentication

Eliminate Your Network Weaknesses


PCH offers business continuity and disaster recovery services to ensure that your business experiences no downtime if data loss occurs.


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Dual-Factor and Multi-Factor Authentication

Are you doing everything that you can to keep your company’s network secure? If your network is open to the Internet — and you only use passwords to keep it secure — it’s unlikely that you’re doing enough. Too often, people use passwords that are easy to guess — or they use the same passwords everywhere. Can you guarantee that your employees are following the best security practices on Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and all of the other websites they visit? Of course you can’t. That’s why you need multiple authentication factors to keep your network safe. PCH Technologies can help you set it up.

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Dual-Factor, Multi-Factor and Their Benefits for Small Businesses

  • Dual-factor authentication adds a second factor — usually a single-use code — to the network login process. In a typical two-factor authentication setup, your network’s authentication server sends a numeric code to a user’s smartphone after password entry. The user must type the code to complete the login process.
  • Multi-factor authentication uses more than two factors to authenticate users. In addition to entering a password and numeric code, for example, you might require a user to swipe an ID card at his or her computer to complete the login process. Biometric scanning is another popular authentication factor. The ideal user authentication factors combine things that only authentic users should know — such as passwords — with things that only authentic users should have. Except in cases of theft or espionage, no one else should have access to an authentic user’s ID card, smartphone or fingerprint.

Setting your company up for dual-factor or multi-factor authentication gives you the peace of mind that comes with knowing that no casual hacking attack could penetrate your network. Multi-factor authentication also makes life easier for your employees because it allows them to concentrate on doing their jobs rather than maintaining the security of your network.

These are some of the other benefits of multi-factor authentication:

  • Reduces the negative effect of passwords that are insecure or used on non-work websites
  • Reduces the possibility of intrusion from phishing, malware and social engineering
  • May help your business comply with federal or state data protection standards

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