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Cyber Threat Analysis and OPtimization

Security Solutions That Fit Your Business


PCH offers business continuity and disaster recovery services to ensure that your business experiences no downtime if data loss occurs.


At PCH, we have the ability to eliminate your need for an in-house IT staff by handling all of your information technology support remotely.


We have the experience and the resources to identify and solve your IT-related problems. That’s what IT consulting is—both simple and powerful.

Cyber Threat Analysis And Optimization

In spite of the many conveniences and wonders of the digital and computer age, there are of course trade-offs. Whenever a wonderful innovation occurs, you can always count on someone misusing it for evil purposes. It didn’t take any time at all for various types of malicious threats to evolve in the digital world. These threats, if left unchecked, can absolutely destroy your business. They can grind your operations to a halt, destroy crucial data, and of course, compromise not just your security but that of your customers as well. Failure to implement proper security and cyber threat detection can completely ruin your company’s reputation for the rest of time. Certain game companies can attest to this when newsworthy intrusions resulted in millions of user accounts being harvested. The final damage of these actions is still being tallied to this day and the said company hasn’t yet lived it down. They may never. Needless to say, you can’t leave your cyber threat analysis in the hands of just anyone. You want experienced professionals who have decades of experience in the business computing world. You want professionals you can trust to find any potential weaknesses or exploits, and patch them before a disaster happens.

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You Want PCH Technologies

At PCH Technologies, we have over two decades of business computing experience, and we’ve seen these horrible threats evolve over the years. We’re ready to help you defend everything you’ve worked so hard for! Today, we’d like to share with you some of our understanding of the various cyber threats out there, how we help you defend against them, and what we do in response to attempted attacks.

Types Of Cyber Threats

There are a lot of cyber threats out there – too many to actually list here in all honesty. However, we’re going to take a moment and go through some of the most common and most insidious ones, and demystify them now.

  • Trojans – Trojans are viruses and worms hidden in downloaded software or attachments. Once the program runs, or the file is opened, they’re let loose to cause all manner of havoc from spying and data theft to breaking the system.
  • Spyware/Malware – These are often delivered through the above trojan strategy, though not always. They disguise themselves as helpful, or in the least harmless programs. Left alone, they can be used for espionage, vandalism and data theft.
  • Ransomware – Ransomware is the evilest thing yet devised. This technology will encrypt all of your data, making it unreadable. Then, someone will demand vast sums of money to unlock it for you.
  • Phishing – Phishing is an email tactic wherein users can be deceived into divulging information or lowering security measures to let nastier things in.

Other threats include rogue or unpatched software, DDoS attacks (which when orchestrated well, can knock your entire server down.

Audit Your Existing Cyber Security Infrastructure

Close Any Gaps And Strengthen Security Measures And Processes

Carefully Monitor And Proactively Assist Your Security Infrastructure

Cyber Threat Sources

So, where do these mostly come from? There are a number of maladjusted individuals with motives to perform breaches, including but not limited to:

  • Hostile governments
  •  Upset employees
  • Criminal organizations
  • Competitors
  • Terrorists
  • Extremists and Activists

The Importance Of PCH Technologies' Threat Intelligence Services

With PCH Technologies, your biggest defense is going to be a combination of our years of experience and knowledge, mixed with our intuition for spotting ways these breaches can happen. We’ll spot and diagnose unsecure email protocols, exploits in websites, lax regulations in what can be installed and run on computers, and so on.

Along with helping to patch/refine these exploits, we’ll also aid you in training your employees in best practices for not falling for phishing, trojans and other socially-engineered delivery methods for dangerous software and the like.

We don’t just spot holes in the wall and mortar them closed, we give you and your employees the power of knowledge and understanding, so you have the power to prevent future threats. We know the best offense is a good defense, and the best defense is knowledge. This is what we bring to you.

Contact Us Now!

To learn more about cyber threats, how they exploit your business, and how we can help you render these dangers inert, fill out our contact form or call us today!

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Client Testimonials

Don’t just take our word for it – hear what our clients have to say about our IT support and cyber security services:

Robert Gatta
Data Display – ceo

William Hoffman
Hoffman’s Exterminating – ceo

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