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Email Protection & Your Business

Email Protection & Your Business

This Tuesday with Tim I want to touch on a part of technology that almost everyone is familiar with, especially in the business world, and that is email. Email is one of the most used routes for hackers to get into your system, which is why it is imperative to have proper email protections in place.  

There needs to be a number of safety measures in place to properly secure your email. One of the most important protections your business needs is having multi-factor authentication for email access, as well as a strong spam and virus filtering system. 

Beyond that, you should have an ongoing employee training and testing program that will ensure employees are not clicking malicious links, are able to determine if an email is a fake, and are not taking action through email, such as wiring moneyEmployees also need to be aware of what information they are sending through email, and if sending personal information to do so with a secure encrypted email. 

A new development that has become available is advanced AI email protection that allows your emails to be identified as malicious, questionable, or safe with a colored banner on each email.  This tool is like having airbags for your email system and is extremely helpful and will allow users to quickly identify what is a good email and what is fake or malicious.   

Email is a widely used tool in every business and it needs to be protected properly so your business does not fall victim to a hacker.