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Tips for a Successful Transition to Outsourcing Your IT Management

Tips for a Successful Transition to Outsourcing Your IT Management

A lot of companies are choosing outsourced IT options because of the higher level of professionalism they offer. When you have an entire company focused on security (as opposed to a single department), all of their resources and energy goes into security matters. That is not to say that an in-house IT team is worthless, but many companies do seem to be making the switch. Because of this, we would like to help some of those people and companies who are trying to make the transition from in-house to outsourced IT. Here are a few simple tips that should make things a little smoother.

Use Network Mapping To Help Your IT Provider

Over time, many companies end up with complex and bloated networks. This can be the result of IT employee incompetence or bad management, and it makes things harder for an incoming IT company to deal with a given network. Not only does it cause a lot of inconveniences, but it also creates a lot of security risks.

Every unknown device connected to the network is a potential avenue of attack, so use some good network mapping software to give your new IT provider a good start. This will allow them to get a clear picture of what is going on, what is wrong, and what needs to be changed. In fact, network mapping should usually be the first step.

Maintain Good Communication With Your New IT Provider

One of the best things about an in-house IT team is the fact that they are on-site at all times. This makes for better communication and can result in faster response times. Because they are located off-site, an outsourced IT provider will have more trouble with this factor. However, you can make things a lot easier by maintaining good communication.

One of the best ways to do this is to transfer one or two of your best in-house people to ones now providing IT support and services. You can bet that those people will be glad to have another job, and they will have more personal and intimate knowledge of your setup than anyone else at that company. In effect, this is like giving yourself an insider that can help you out when necessary.

Try Not To Shift Things Too Quickly

Although managed IT services tend to result in a more efficient structure, there are some dangers that come with such a transition. For one thing, there is the danger that your new IT provider will push you to overhaul your entire way of doing things. Even if the new way is more efficient, it is important that you don’t try to change too many things at once.

Employees and managers get accustomed to a certain set of rules and a certain way of doing things. If an outsourced IT provider (who is distant from many of the issues) tries to change things too much, everyone gets confused and overall compliance suffers. It is best to give everyone an “adjustment period,” during which you will gradually switch from one set of methods to another.

Don’t Try To Do Too Much At Once

Shifting your entire IT model will often involve big changes for everyone in your organization. For data-driven businesses, this factor is even greater. Although a transition like this doesn’t have to be difficult, you shouldn’t try to undertake any other large projects until this one is completed.

For instance, let’s say you are thinking about merging with another company. Even if that merger seems like a mutually beneficial one, you should probably wait until your IT transition is complete. Even if you’re on a tight schedule, it is best to avoid biting off more than you can chew at once.

Try To Go With A Local Provider

As we have already stated, issues of communication are the number one impediment to a successful IT transition. The more you stay in touch with your new provider, the better they can meet your needs. However, this can be made a lot more difficult when your IT provider is very distant. For this reason, you should probably try to find one that is somewhat close to your base of operations. Just go to a search engine and ask for “managed IT services near me.” You should have no trouble finding plenty of local and semi-local options.


In the end, we are talking about a big change here. Such a change is sure to come with growing pains, but it tends to be worth the trouble. When it’s all over, you should have a more efficient and streamlined IT system than ever before. That means fewer roadblocks to your company and its employees, and will usually amount to greater productivity and higher profits. If you would like to thank us for helping you to increase your profits, we hope that you will take a few moments to fill out the contact form.