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Managed IT Services Dover, DE

Managed IT Services Dover, DE


Get More Out Of Your Managed Service Provider in New Castle County…


PCH offers business continuity and disaster recovery services to ensure that your business experiences no downtime if data loss occurs.


At PCH, we have the ability to eliminate your need for an in-house IT staff by handling all of your information technology support remotely.


We have the experience and the resources to identify and solve your IT-related problems. That’s what IT consulting is—both simple and powerful.

Managed IT Services

With its nearby nature preserves, parks, historical attractions, and cozy, quiet atmosphere, the town of Dover might seem like the kind of place where nothing bad can happen. However, data disasters of various kinds can strike anywhere, and they don’t care how nice and picturesque the surroundings might be. Whether it’s a willful attack or just plain negligence, digital disasters can wreak havoc on the finances, productivity, and reputation of any organization. That is why outsourced IT services are so helpful in today’s computerized world.

Managed IT Services Dover, DE

When you need computer IT services, you mainly have to choose between an in-house team and an outsourced team. An in-house team consists of people that you find and hire yourself, while an outsourced team is contracted through a third-party company. Although it’s not a bad idea to have some on-site experts, many organizations and companies have found outsourcing to be much more cost-efficient.

The problem lies in lost labor costs. With in-house employees, you are paying them a certain amount of money per hour, even if they are not doing anything. You can’t realistically expect them to be working every minute, of course, because their services are not required at every minute. Still, that does result in a lot of lost money in labor costs. With a managed IT service plan, on the other hand, you only pay for what you need.

Learn how PCH Technologies can help

your business run smoother

Managed IT Support In Dover, DE

Support is often one of the first tasks to be outsourced, and this is mainly because it is so practical to do so. Good technical support depends on having a large pool of experts who can put their heads together and figure out the more difficult problems. More qualified people on the job means a greater chance that the solution will be found.

OF course, our support doesn’t just include good advice. Our expert technicians can travel to your location and take care of matters in person. Naturally, there are some problems that cannot be solved remotely. Our support also includes planning and consultation for any IT-related matter. Why wouldn’t you want to have a larger group of experts in your corner?

Private Data Center

Managed IT Services

Our Top Managed IT Support Services Include:

Managed IT Security Services In Dover, DE

A lot of people and companies will try to convince you that they are IT experts, but security is where the rubber meets the road. Cyber-attacks and data breaches can take many forms, and it takes a real expert to recognize and understand all of those tricks. In most cases, cyber-criminals are people who have expert knowledge of IT systems, and that is why it takes an equally savvy person to stop them.

We can provide a wide range of security services, from basic antivirus protection to remote monitoring of all your important data. We can also monitor important security settings and issue an alert if those settings are changed in a suspicious manner. For instance, hackers will often use the remote desktop protocol to gain privileged access to a network or system. Thus, if they can get into your settings menu, they might activate remote desktop protocol to make their tasks easier. However, if they try that kind of thing when we are on the job, their efforts will be detected and shut down.


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Network Security

Managed Security Solutions:

Disaster Recovery Services in Dover, DE

Prevention is always the best medicine, but prevention may not always be possible. Hardware and software work through the use of binary code, which basically acts as a set of instructions and tells the machines what to do. Unfortunately, the size and complexity of all this code make it easy for vulnerabilities to exist. These are usually just oversights that were made by software or hardware engineers during the creative process.

When a disaster strikes, you need recent backups in order to prevent the loss of crucial data. You also need people who can investigate the affected machines and try to determine the origin of the attack. Finally, you need trustworthy and diligent people who will work hard to protect you from all known threats. That last part is usually the most difficult, as the best people aren’t always easy to find. However, when you deal with PCH, those trusted experts are only a phone call away.

IT Support

IT Consulting

Disaster Recovery Solutions:

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Faster Connections

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Greater User Capacity and Coverage

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Far Fewer IT Support Calls


PCH Technologies has been serving the communities of South Jersey for many years and we have gained a reputation for great service and competent, trustworthy employees. Don’t wait until things go horribly wrong before you call in the heavy hitters. At PCH, we have the people, the tools, and the knowledge to fix any IT problem that you might have. We can also help you to optimize your performance and achieve a higher level of efficiency. If you are in need of a good IT support provider, you can call 844-754-7500

Client Testimonials

Don’t just take our word for it – hear what our clients have to say about our IT support and cyber security services:

CO Executive Director – Alex’s Lemonade Stand

Jessica Breslow
PJW RESTAURANT GROUP – Director of IT Marketing

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